
More about me ...

I've been into crafts since I was a child, messing around with clay, paints and Plasticine - way back in the day. I started off sewing with my Mom, also had a go at knitting but was rubbish at that! I have done a bit of calligraphy, embroidery, cross stitch and blackwork. My main hobby now is card making which I got into over 10 years ago having bought a kit in a sale.

By exchanging hand made Christmas cards with a neighbour I found a crafty friend who has taught me quite a lot over the years. She was kind enough to pass on spare stash she no longer needed and introduced me to all kinds of things like embossing, die cutting and colouring. Now I've got my own craft room and quite a lot of stash of my own.

I'm now a DT member on a couple of challenge blogs, the Fairy and the Unicorn Challenge blog and the Pearly Sparkles Challenge Blog, please come and check them out and enter our challenges.

I'm married, live in the north west and used to be an information manager but was lucky enough to be able to retire late 2014 - so now have more time to craft :-) - but it's never enough!

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