
Sunday 25 November 2018

First Groovi parchment cards

Hello there,
I've ventured into uncharted territory and had a go at Groovi parchment work - and they are right it is a bit addictive!

I went to the Creative Crafts show at the NEC with my crafting friend and we did a Make and Take at the Clarity Stamp Groovi stand, the card below is the one I started there. As I was a total newbie to this I was a lot slower at it than the rest so I finished it at home, and am quite pleased with the result especially for a first attempt.

I bought the starter kit at the show and using the instructions which came with it, plus Barbara Grey's YouTube videos I made this card which I have sent to my Mom. She was very pleased with it.

I've already bought more plates so I think this will be something I'll enjoy doing for a long time - it's so relaxing!

Thanks for stopping by, have a great day.

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